Munnew Day Centre
Dementia Specific Day Centre
Operates 7 days per week excluding public holidays and is open to Residents of Devonport and surrounding municipalities.
Operating hours are 8am to 4pm.
For persons diagnosed with all types of dementia including Alzheimers disease.
All referrals must be in writing and can be made through:
All Health professionals
The Community
A daily fee is charged. This fee contributes towards lunch, morning and afternoon teas, activities and transport.
The Centre is supported by registered, skilled and experienced staff, consisting of a team leader, manager and extended care assistants.
While the client is attending the day centre a person centred activities program is designed for them.
The aim of the program is to maintain the Client’s well being by promoting independence, doing stimulating activities and increasing socialisation.
For more information contact the Team Leader : or phone 6421 0111 or 0408 103 033.